Accommodation options in Wells:
There are also various AirBnB and options in the area.
Getting to Wells
Public Transport from Bristol Temple Meads. The best option is the 376 FirstBus. Click Here for the full timetables. This runs every 30 minutes or so and takes around 1 hour 15 minutes.
The closest train station is Castle Cary but there is no public transport to Wells from there. It is a 30 min taxi which will cost around £30 on Fri/Sat and £40 on Sunday. Contact AVACAB in Wells for reasonable rates.
By Car; Wells is easily accessible from the M5 Bridgewater in the West and M4/M32 from Bristol and Bath in the North. You can also get from the A303 via Warminster and Frome in the South.
There are plenty of carparks in Wells. Free parking on local streets is also possible. See the parking page for more details.